Platform Shifting

Being trapped in time is a tragedy. While the world is changing around us at a rapid pace, there are people that hope that it does not. The reality is that change is occurring at a blurring rate. It is exhilarating for leaders and those that are in the game. They are pulling out their surfboards and riding the tsunami waves.

Keep picturing five years from now what the world will be like. If you carry around the phone you have today, you will look antiquated. If your website has not been updated, you will be bypassed. If you have no knowledge to share, you become inconsequential.

We are continually experiencing tectonic platform shifts. Every time a platform shifts, new players make money and old ones become marginalized. What happened to Palm? MySpace? Walkman? The devices still work. They just don’t work within the collective ecosystem we are all connecting within.

Want to grow your business? Ensure you are selling with the right platform, not an outdated one. Want to be relevant? Have content which is current; it all has a half-life the moment you print.

Life is a dance. Keep in step or you may be shunned off the dance floor.

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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