10 Things To Do With a Boring Day


boring days

I dislike drama, especially in business. Sure, bad things can happen, but if they happen consistently and repeatedly, then we have a strange way of calling that normal. And that not only lowers our standards of what could be an otherwise excellent life, but it costs us financially and emotionally.

I often tell my clients that I am here to help them get a boring life. It can sound like a parable at first, but ultimately, they come to realize boring is good. Continual chaos means there are a lack of controls and disciplines to allow for bigger things. Putting out fires gets you stuck in small thinking.

If you are done with drama, or the thought of a boring life intrigues you, then you can free up that time, attention and emotion on yourself. You can create a compounding effect in your life and have the fun and peace of mind that may have eluded you for years.

Here are some things you can do with a boring day and life.

1. Listen deeply to your spouse. Imagine giving them your very best. After all, don’t they deserve that above all others? No anxiety or fluttering with thoughts. Just being there and engaging would mean the world to them and your relationship.

2. Play with your kids. Many people say their family is the most important thing to them. But, is it really? There are a lot of fibbers out there who fool themselves. Otherwise, finding a way to spend the most time with their kids would be both intentional and priority number one. No hiding behind work or duties. Just design it. Then be there and grow up with them. Time is ticking, and you can learn to wonder, imagine and play through their eyes again.

3. Walk and breathe. There is a lot of research out there about how sitting is the new cancer. Imagine taking more time to walk. It’s refreshing and one of the best things to do with your body. You need motion, or you lose function. You were made to move. Without chaos, you can simply get out and see more and enjoy fresh air and scenery.

4. Think big. If your mind is always putting out fires, then you end up thinking small. If things are boring, then you can let your thoughts drift and entertain new possibilities. You can think about meaning more than money. What do you want to do versus have to do?

5. Try a new hobby. Ever tried skateboarding like you did as a kid? What about picking up some fabrics and designing a new dress? With all your brainwork, doing something totally unrelated and getting good at it can get you lost in passion. It takes time and space. With your newfound boring life, you can show up, plan, or buy the equipment and get into something creative or challenging with ease.

6. Build your music. Whether it’s revisiting old tunes or discovering new artists, you can relax and enjoy music for your soul and happiness. Musicians stretch us and affect our souls.  You can dance or close your eyes, kick back, and get fed with something new that builds you up or relaxes your mind.

7. Travel. I love to travel. It is the most fun thing to do for me and my family. You get to see beautiful sites and experience whole new cultures. It also makes you a broader and more interesting person. Boring days free up time to be able to go out and explore the world. You can line up places and times and broaden your horizons. No sitting at home with uneventful days.

8. Make someone’s day. Living for yourself can even get old quickly. We find happiness and fulfillment when we help others. If you are in survival mode all the time, this is hard to see. But if you could have time and space to think about what would blow someone’s mind and be unexpected, specific and meaningful, you could have fun being a walking gift. You can bring smiles and happy tears to the people you care about.

9. Meet strangers. You can broaden the people you meet and join clubs, scenes and activities that would allow you to meet new people. Get your address book organized. Keep a count and see how it grows month over month from having boring days. Schedule casual coffee dates to get to know people. Grow and learn from the people you meet. Building relationships takes time, but you have more of it and can invest in your own personal growth easily.

10. Sit and relax. When’s the last time you just sat in the shade and watched the people go by? What if you were untethered from your mobile reality? You can see a lot and give your overstimulated mind a break. Find a tree and grab a cold drink. Then sit and relax to enjoy the scenes right in front of you.

The funny thing is that life works by compounding effects. If you are used to chaos, then your reality can compound in a worsening way with your stress, health and mind.

But if you seek boring and realize with nothing going on as the way it ought to be, then you get compounding benefits by investing in yourself. You need that time and space to do it, and then life gets bigger and easier. It’s supposed to.

What would you do with a boring day?

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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