Would You Rather Be Rich or Right?

Want your ideas to matter? Start with selling first.

In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. ~ David Ogilvy

It’s extremely difficult to be wanted in a world of ridiculous options. You can insist on your idea and work hard on creativity. That may be fulfilling because you feel right regardless of whether the world rejects your offering.

Being original is a strategy that makes sense in a different world, time and ecosystem when we had less choice. However, Google, Amazon and the entire connected world makes it hard to stand out today. We can find an unlimited amount of options now at our fingertips.

A better strategy if you want to be relevant and build out creativity is to be needed. This may feel like compromise if you have high creative aspirations. But, without someone saying, “Yes,” what do you really have?

The best proof that you are relevant is to sell to someone directly. Take a simpler idea that people need or already value. Sell it and see if you can convince someone to give you money. It’s an exchange of value. They are saying, “I am willing to trade. I value what you are offering.”

If you find yourself procrastinating or avoiding the selling part, then you might want to consider abandoning your idea. You care more about being right than rich.

There are things you want people to buy and there are things that they actually buy. I’m not suggesting you abandon your creative ideas. I am putting forth a strategy that works in a world of limited resource, attention and time. Do the hard work of becoming relevant and needed. It’s doing first things first.

After you work hard at the baseline, you can play around with your creative pull to be right. It’s a business strategy that will keep your bills paid and flame going.

How can you focus on getting your next customer?

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

2 thoughts on “Would You Rather Be Rich or Right?

  1. Don

    LOVE this article! I recall my Mom repeated warning for life’s choices, “Would you rather be right or happy?” This article gives a much needed view of entrepreneurialism!

    Thanks for your candor!😊

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