How to Process Your Emotions


I got this automated coaching tip in my team platform. The tip, powered by AI, is helpful towards team building.

This helps me understand myself and my teammates consistently over time.

Frankly, I did not realize that I had a process for working through my emotions. When I step back, I do see how my personality leans with regards to dealing with negativity. Like most of my INTJ leanings, I have a system to solve the problems that arise. But as I reflect, here are things I tend to do that might be helpful for you in processing emotions:

  1. I have select friends who I confide in
  2. I take frequent walks
  3. I use morning pages to vent my feelings
  4. I play tennis or go for hikes to wear myself out
  5. I sit out on my deck and take in sunlight
  6. I build fires with my Solostove and slow down
  7. I accept the things I cannot change
  8. I go for peace, not revenge

I can’t control my emotions. My mood changes based on how much sleep I get, circumstances that arise and if I am keeping healthy in my eating and workouts. But, I do want to show up in life and work at my best. The challenge is to stop and not force negative emotions into my relationships. Thus, I like the processes to be more self-aware and redirect negativity.

What do you do to process your emotions?

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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