What is Your Core Competency?

When it comes to product-market fit, there are various approaches one could take. Guessing on what customers want and pushing your technology towards them is one way. However, this approach can be fraught with misses and unmet expectations. A friend just shared with me how listening carefully to the problems of existing users has beenContinue reading “What is Your Core Competency?”

Product Market Fit Further Best Practices

The world is crowded and much of what we are looking for as consumers and business buyers tends to exist. We live in a world of too much, not too little. As a seller, the challenge of figuring out what to build, who it serves and what a business model looks like can be elusive.Continue reading “Product Market Fit Further Best Practices”

Lifestyle vs. Growth Business Choices

I love lifestyle businesses. It’s a way of building freedom quickly without the headache of overhead and management demands. If you want to find out how to do it well, read The Company of One and apply its numerous case studies towards building cash flow. If you are coming from a jobby job, then youContinue reading “Lifestyle vs. Growth Business Choices”

Brutally Honest Advice for Twenty-Somethings

I am cheering on twenty-somethings. I have my two sons already out in the world figuring out who they want to be and pushing on the skills to help them get what they want. My son, Isaac, shared Alex Hormozi’s video above. Its packed with fantastic advice for getting what you want in life andContinue reading “Brutally Honest Advice for Twenty-Somethings”

The Doer, The Delegator and the Dealmaker

That saying, “What got you here, won’t get you there,” is completely true. As you grow your business or mature as a business person, you might have started with one skill set, but that is not the same skill required as you grow or go after bigger opportunities. You will always hit a ceiling growingContinue reading “The Doer, The Delegator and the Dealmaker”