How to Reuse Content to Sell and Help

To date, I have over 1,600 articles on my site, It has been a place I use to clarify my thoughts, help people and keep a repository of content that is evergreen and reusable. I wanted to share a bit of process that helps in both selling as well as business development that youContinue reading “How to Reuse Content to Sell and Help”

How to Negotiate a Deal by Framing

What’s in your head may not be what’s in another person’s head. In fact, it’s highly likely you are misaligned. When someone asks you for something that can violate your view of reality, then framing the perception is important. Perhaps an employee comes to you as an owner and says they are worth double theirContinue reading “How to Negotiate a Deal by Framing”

How to be World-Class in Your Project Kickoff Meeting

When making the sale on your professional services, there can be a let down from pushing so hard to get a proposal signed. I can understand the emotion that comes with getting a deal done. However, moving from the sale to fulfilling what you sold is an important transition. The sale is really the startContinue reading “How to be World-Class in Your Project Kickoff Meeting”

Why Executives Need Freedom of Time First

We want to grow our revenues, however, we focus on working harder, grinding out our continuous task list and pushing to the max. I believe money making and entrepreneurship is tied towards having clear vision. Knowing what needs to get done and aligning ourselves towards the right thing to do is not a given. YouContinue reading “Why Executives Need Freedom of Time First”

Managing Multiple Businesses by Structure and Scorecards

It’s hard to win if you don’t keep score. This is especially true if you are mired in details and can’t see the forest from the trees. I like simple systems that I will use regularly to create clarity and decision making. Thus, if you are managing multiple ventures, try creating your own dashboard. AContinue reading “Managing Multiple Businesses by Structure and Scorecards”

How to Keep Partners Accountable

“Business is easy if it weren’t for the people.” – Rockefeller There have been many management meetings wasted in examining why someone does not do what they committed to. It’s an exercise in unclarity and insanity. I personally hate talking about the same issue repeatedly without a resolution. Many times, there is an existing agreement;Continue reading “How to Keep Partners Accountable”

Consult Stakeholders for Requirements Definition

When you have to deliver on requirements definition for technology and software projects, it is critical that you consider all the stakeholders involved for their input, buy-in and consideration. This includes: If you design and drive requirements alone, you may be missing both overt and nuanced requirements that may be costly to fix later. Furthermore,Continue reading “Consult Stakeholders for Requirements Definition”