Position, Position, Position

The problem with comfort is that you get comfortable. And then you wait for circumstances to happen to you. You get fired, lose accounts or lose your health.

Well, you don’t have to simply wait around and hope someone picks you for your next opportunity. In this economy, I anticipate a lot of corporate people will be on the street. The squeeze is on and when you think about the P&L, the high paid people are easiest to cut first.

So, if that is you, here’s a way to be strategic and play offense first. I’m giving you free strategy that works and has worked for many friends over the years:

  1. Position. List out all the problems you are able to solve. Don’t talk specifics to your industry, but generalize what the skills are that solve problems. Get a website built, yourname.com and put in a section, “Problems I Solve,” or “Services.” This makes it clear what you are able to contribute.
  2. Sell. Start with your previous company. Layoffs does not mean the problems disappeared. They got redistributed or are still in need. Find the channels and relationships to consult. Go to lunch. Ask around. “Do you know someone that needs these problems solved?” Do this for your previous employer who might contract at 200% your previous hourly rate or find other similar companies. Start with the low hanging fruit.
  3. Get paid. Send and invoice and put the money in your business checking account. Congrats, you completed one cycle based on your positioning. Rinse and repeat.

You will build conviction. You will be in a different conversation than waiting around to get picked by another employer. You might even find your next employer this way. This strategy beats being unemployed, not contributing and asking for an opportunity hat in hand.

You are also hedging for your future when you will likely get laid off again. You are in the marketplace seeking to add value rather than fill a job.

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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