Daily Rituals

Capuccino with a design
Having anchors in your daily rituals are powerful to help you move towards success

Our brains look for routines. It’s a form of efficiency and allows us to bring some order to the otherwise chaotic nature of life. I have come to appreciate this gravitation towards routine and look at it as an important cornerstone to my business and life.

When there are immense demands on my time and attention, having rituals in my life that keep important things first anchors my work.

For instance, having a cup of tea in the morning and writing calms my mind and focuses me on the day ahead. I am solidifying my thinking and sharing value with my audience. All the while, it is building up a content resource that can be repurposed and used to grow my businesses and brand.

The ritual of writing helps build assets that affect how I connect with prospective clients and audiences. It is an anchor.

Every day, I enjoy connecting with people around ideas and goals that grow their business. Looking for ways to help and connect is a daily ritual as well. Over time, the more touch points and value I bring to others, the more valuable I become. Good things happen over time.

Another ritual I work on with my family is to sweat every day. This keeps us moving and active. We want to have strong hearts and the ability to play any sport with anyone at anytime. It keeps me young and healthy. It’s also a great way to enjoy life together as a family.

I also get the added benefit of feeling sharper and seeing my problems from a different perspective.

Rituals help steer us over time. Writing, reading, thinking, building relationships and working out consistently lands me in a place of success over time. I know this from looking back and am fully confident of this on the days ahead.

When you look at your own rituals, which ones would you like to incorporate on a daily basis?

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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