Email Communications Best Practices Using Groups

Effective inbound email communications can be managed by setting up Google Apps Groups with the right convention.  Your business has many inputs from web forms and email inquiries. Google Apps Groups is a powerful way of ensuring business continuity by distributing communications to the right grouping of people.

Google Apps Strategy For Distributed Communications

Your team members are continually changing jobs, positions and roles. Your business may receive inquiries such as a sales question or a service call. The forms which are present on your various websites typically alert or notify a specific email address. If you simply email to a specific person, you are not accommodating for the likelihood of change which will occur when the person leaves this responsibility.

Google Apps has an email distribution function which is powerful and flexible. As a strategy for business continuity, ensure you have Groups identified based on the functional pieces within your virtual and physical organization. Enroll your Google Apps users into the respective groups which make sense. By doing so, you are able to set up your business systems to communicate with a group which will always be continuous rather than a person which is likely to be discontinuous.

When Google Apps Users Change

As new users assume roles vacated by other users, they can be added to the specific groups you have set up. Thus, or can be rerouted quickly based on your inevitable changing business requirements and staffing.

Furthermore, you can extend your organization to include business partners under different domains to be part of alerts, notifications and communications by setting appropriate permission structures within Google Apps Group settings.

Google Apps Consulting Strategy Tip

The important thing is to ensure your organization is set up with continuity in mind. Think in terms of roles and not people. Your Google Apps Groups allow you to redistribute to changing people quickly as you are growing and changing your business.

Published by Don Dalrymple

I partner with founders and entrepreneurs in startup businesses. I write and consult on strategy, systems, team building and growing revenue.

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