Help, I’m Never Getting to the Important Work

I understand. It can be really comforting to do what is urgent and stay in the groove of knocking out tasks. In a given day of work, there’s always the tasks that have to get done to keep pipelines moving, make customers happy and ensure our teams are motivated and productive. However, that nagging feeling,Continue reading “Help, I’m Never Getting to the Important Work”

Be Dangerous But Disciplined

This interview with a navy seal breaking down a part of human nature with a renowned clinical psychologist is fascinating. This podcast interview between Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson takes a look at how civility occurs. We want dangerous people that are disciplined. It’s a temperament and a part of keeping the peace in societyContinue reading “Be Dangerous But Disciplined”

Be a Ruthless Pruner

We are always working on yesterday’s commitments. And when we have committed, it’s so easy to make those decisions sacred. Such reverence for our past commitments builds up continual clutter, drag and mediocrity in our work and lives. Without knowing it, we are managing many subpar projects, possessions and relationships at the cost of whatContinue reading “Be a Ruthless Pruner”

The Weekly Checklist

I like to keep two checklists that I execute to keep my business moving: Weekly Checklist – Actions that have to get done each week for operations Daily Checklist – What is foundational to my personal and business goals Business tends to run on a weekly cadence. The ritual of keeping a weekly checklist ensuresContinue reading “The Weekly Checklist”

Loving The Main Thing

“The main thing Is to keep the main thing the main thing.” ~ Stephen Covey Keeping on the rails is so hard when our brain loves to pull us to distractions. It’s not only the distractions, but we are barraged by other people’s demands and priorities continually. The main thing  to do can easily getContinue reading “Loving The Main Thing”

Set Important Decisions to Opt-out

There is such a thing as decision fatigue. Your willpower and ability to make effective decisions changes over the course of a day from mental weariness. When it comes to trying to respond and keep up with the demands of knowledge work, it’s hard to stay sharp and it’s easy to push out things thatContinue reading “Set Important Decisions to Opt-out”

Manage Oneself

That one can truly manage other people is by no means adequately proven. But one can always manage oneself. Indeed, executives who do not manage themselves for effectiveness cannot possibly expect to manage their associates and subordinates. Management is largely by example. Executives who do not know how to make themselves effective in their ownContinue reading “Manage Oneself”

Collecting and Testing Mental Models

Principles prevail in a world of chaos. Much of life is indeed chaos. I think the importance of collecting and testing your mental models – how you problem solve and approach the world – is critical to drive success. The 80/20 rule can help you focus on what has the best payoffs. Eliminating drain peopleContinue reading “Collecting and Testing Mental Models”

Updating My Daily Routine

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – Darren Hardy Our habits define us. I like to tweak how I approach days and I experiment with my habits continually. These days, I have a few things that getContinue reading “Updating My Daily Routine”