Manage Oneself

That one can truly manage other people is by no means adequately proven. But one can always manage oneself. Indeed, executives who do not manage themselves for effectiveness cannot possibly expect to manage their associates and subordinates. Management is largely by example. Executives who do not know how to make themselves effective in their ownContinue reading “Manage Oneself”

Updating My Daily Routine

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – Darren Hardy Our habits define us. I like to tweak how I approach days and I experiment with my habits continually. These days, I have a few things that getContinue reading “Updating My Daily Routine”

Maintaining Energy

Pushing on your work takes an intense amount of energy. And without energy, it’s hard to maintain consistency, perseverance and results. Energy is not a given. You have to foster your routines and habits to keep peak performance going. I like to hike, play tennis, trail run and snowboard to get me into a biggerContinue reading “Maintaining Energy”

Hidden Habits

The older I get the less I assume that success and failure is accidental. Something hidden led up to what we see. We simply don’t look behind the appearance enough. Success in business, life, family, relationships and finances have hidden habits behind them. But it’s not fashionable to think that the slow, consistent and committedContinue reading “Hidden Habits”

Routine Sets You Free

Your routines set you up for performance, creativity and peace of mind. We have this long road ahead to accomplish projects that matter day in and day out. And if we simply go with the randomness and urgencies of the day, we don’t win the long game. We are at the mercy of many thingsContinue reading “Routine Sets You Free”

How to Game Opportunities Your Way

It really is enticing to buy into some fad, secret sauce or crowd hype especially when it comes to deal making and opportunities. It feels secure to do the “right things” and rely on determinism. That kind of thinking may have been true before the floodgates of access were opened and anyone and everyone couldContinue reading “How to Game Opportunities Your Way”


I don’t think too highly of simply working harder at something, especially if you are pointed in the wrong direction. It’s easy to turn off the brain and keep charging at what we are doing. The awareness to look up and think about where you are headed can feel slippery and uncomfortable. Our habits canContinue reading “Repointing”

The Overnight Success Growth Hacking Approach

Sure, you can be an overnight success. You just have to: Show up every day consistently Refine, refine, refine Push your ideas to the limit Take calculated risks Discard what doesn’t work Ignore the naysayers Never give up It may take 5 years or 10 years to become that overnight success! The growth hacking isContinue reading “The Overnight Success Growth Hacking Approach”