Be Better at Relationships than Automation

We live in a world where people have a hard time paying attention. Everyone is frazzled and overwhelmed to the point that their hands are on the delete key. It’s a natural and understandable instinct. With more technology and convenience, we can use automation and transactional platforms to fill people’s inboxes to the brim. RecipientsContinue reading “Be Better at Relationships than Automation”

Simplifying Choices for Your Customers

Every bit of complexity can keep your customer from taking a next step with you in your engagements and work. We are inundated with choice and information. You can be both a welcome resource and helpful partner by taking stock and simplifying how you do business. Here are some areas to consider streamlining to makeContinue reading “Simplifying Choices for Your Customers”

How to Create Content that People Care About

I have a lot of resources on my site from many years of helping people in concrete, real-life ways. Check out the most recent resource on creating content that is valuable to people. At the end of the day, you either truly contribute and help people in specific ways, or are simply in the way,Continue reading “How to Create Content that People Care About”

Be Clear About Who Your Customer Is

In case it doesn’t sink in, remember, you are one of 330M people in the United States. Go to the airport, a concert or any large gathering to get a small glimpse of how minute you are in a sea of people. The strategy to try and work with everyone is a sure fire wayContinue reading “Be Clear About Who Your Customer Is”

The Strategy of Going with the Winner

There is an irony about free markets that the collective participates in. On the one hand, we have massive choice in many categories. On the other hand, over time, we have a winner-take-all outcome. Over time, people consolidate and choose the best. We don’t have all these phones. We have iPhones. We have Starbucks, NetflixContinue reading “The Strategy of Going with the Winner”

Dealmaking Is Slow then Fast

I love dealmaking. I agree with Robert Ringer’s observation about dealmaking: “There are no statistics to prove it, but after years of experience, I’m absolutely convinced that dealmaking is the highest-paid profession in the world.” I think the creative pieces and bringing ambiguous, and often disparate parties and value together, is exhilarating. Great deals helpContinue reading “Dealmaking Is Slow then Fast”

Find the Few and Disregard the Many

A few projects matter. So do a few relationships and a few tools. It’s so easy to simply accumulate stuff and throw horsepower into everything. While thinking that should cover over any deficiencies, what is often hidden is the cost in the form of waste, unclarity and management overhead. We don’t have unlimited attention, resourcesContinue reading “Find the Few and Disregard the Many”

Can This Person Say Yes?

There’s a world of opportunity out there for what you are pursuing. But one piece of clarity that gets overlooked too often is qualification. Most people you meet cannot say, “Yes,” to what you are offering. However, a few people can. I’m not sure why we have this block, but the clearer you can get onContinue reading “Can This Person Say Yes?”

Design the Customer Journey

Yes, I understand you want money. You want people to buy now. The temptation to simply expect and demand cash is so high and blinding that it’s hard for a seller to see why money becomes elusive. In some cases when the pain is high – root canals, broken transmissions, fallen bridges – the customerContinue reading “Design the Customer Journey”

Be Personal in Networking But Don’t Take Things Personally

How much value do you add? That’s the key question I ask each day when I am out in the world of business. It may not be a perfect question, but the free market is open. People are free to make decisions on their own on what they value. You are valuable when you canContinue reading “Be Personal in Networking But Don’t Take Things Personally”