Marketing Automation Is Not For The Faint Of Heart

Marketing has many new rules, and marketing automation is one of several major movements which has gained fanfare mixed with frustration.  The popularity has come from the possibilities of capitalizing on leads generated from inbound marketing efforts.  The frustration is from a lack of implementation and execution. At the end of the day, marketing automationContinue reading “Marketing Automation Is Not For The Faint Of Heart”

Lead Nurturing With Education

If your buyer is not educated, then they will feel unready to engage the sales conversation with your team.  Filling this gap with strategic marketing automation lead flows in Loopfuse that help the buyer to ask the right questions sets up a qualified lead for your sales team. If you sell a sophisticated product orContinue reading “Lead Nurturing With Education”

Loopfuse Trackable Lead Activity Notifications

Living in a real-time world makes feedback and information a premium.  Marketing automation provides the intelligence for your decision making in the sales process as buyer activities are recorded. A marketing automation strategy to incorporate for higher levels of success in Loopfuse is to enable and leverage trackable lead activities.  At any time, a salespersonContinue reading “Loopfuse Trackable Lead Activity Notifications”

Making Money With Marketing Automation

Marketing automation exists because the rules of marketing have changed.  If you could interrupt prospects and sell hard, then marketing automation would be irrelevant.  The old rules would still apply. However, buying cycles take longer.  This is because buyers can take their time and evaluate information for themselves until they feel comfortable engaging with yourContinue reading “Making Money With Marketing Automation”

Lead Nurturing Campaigns For New Site Visitors

Loopfuse lead nurturing can help create a sales pipeline which never expires.  As your site visitors are attracted from your inbound marketing or outbound sales efforts, use Loopfuse to capture leads via web forms for compelling value in the form of content.  This middle of the funnel approach continually brings value and builds trust withContinue reading “Lead Nurturing Campaigns For New Site Visitors”

How To Automate The High Fidelity Sale

In Kevin Maney’s book, Trade-Off, Why Some Things Catch On And Others Don’t, we learn about two categories of products and businesses – Fidelity and Convenience.  High fidelity businesses are inconvenient.  They typically have cachet and price points which make it more desirable for upper end buyers. High convenience businesses are easy to get inContinue reading “How To Automate The High Fidelity Sale”

Inbound Marketing Channels

A well-designed Loopfuse Lead Flow will funnel traffic from your inbound marketing channel.  Your presence in cyberspace and the content which drives engagement creates an avenue for a click.  That click starts the opportunity to connect in a relevant, personal and timely way with a stranger.  Turning that stranger into a friend is the artContinue reading “Inbound Marketing Channels”

Loopfuse Tracking

The opportunity to hone in on your prospective buyer in a one-to-one approach versus a one-to-many traditional marketing campaign requires attention to Lead Scoring and tracking. Setting up your system to follow the Loopfuse buyer from initial landing site contact to engagement with your sales and value propositions requires attention to each of the predeterminedContinue reading “Loopfuse Tracking”

Real-Time Reaction

Think about how much you forget while surfing the internet. When you are learning about something new or searching for something you are not quite sure exists yet, you may navigate a multitude of pages until you hone in on your desired content. If all the while you are entering and leaving storefronts, valuable contentContinue reading “Real-Time Reaction”

One-To-One Connection

If your marketing is trying to “sell” me, I will pick it up easily and quickly.  We have all been trained to recognize marketing.  We have also been trained to put our guard up with suspicion.  After all, talking about how great you are only causes disconnection.  The new economy differentiates between mass marketing andContinue reading “One-To-One Connection”