Think Big But Work Small

There’s no shortage of opportunities today. In fact, it’s cheaper and more convenient than ever to envision and put an idea you may have into play. Imagine trying to make your idea happen in the 1960’s. It would be both extremely expensive and difficult to get it out for others to even take notice. That’sContinue reading “Think Big But Work Small”

Someone Is Paying The Price

What can’t you learn? It is all available now. What will you learn? That’s a huge differentiator between the new haves and have-nots. There is not a gap in access anymore. That was taken care of once we got online, went social and could search. I work across many different industries, and while some haveContinue reading “Someone Is Paying The Price”

Why You Don’t Publish A Magazine

On the web there is a lot of copying. I can see evidence of copying from business partners, customers and competitors all the time. Some comfort themselves by saying it is the highest form of flattery. I disagree. If you tell the person and credit them, it is entirely different than if you silently steal. TheContinue reading “Why You Don’t Publish A Magazine”


We are certainly in uncertain times. I enjoyed Mauldin’s recent essay, “Who Took My Easy Button?” He shares some insightful information on the difficult and unyielding choices we face as a nation that have already played out in other countries like Greece and likely Italy. Another great capture can be found in Hugh MacLeod’s cartoonContinue reading “Uncertainty”

Finding The Use Case

The shear volume of options available to us today is daunting. It’s hard to imagine new products and services finding validity in many cases. On the other hand, inventors can get excited and focus too much on their breakthrough technology without figuring out how to monetize it. Ultimately, great technologies, systems and innovations have toContinue reading “Finding The Use Case”

3 Ways To Raise Your Value

Just showing up and getting picked is a desperate strategy these days. We used to be able to play the game of being a good boy or girl and do as we were told. Be compliant and your boss, your customers or your friends rewarded you with more or less scripted behaviors. They hired you,Continue reading “3 Ways To Raise Your Value”

Knowing What People Need

All around you are opportunities if you can stop to take interest. A deep interest in what other people need means applying your faculties of observation and care. You may be asked if you know someone that can solve a problem or a product that exists to make life easier. These are signs. If youContinue reading “Knowing What People Need”

Don’t Blame The Tools

  There are too many success stories of people using simple tools to get amazing results. Put those same instruments or software in the hands of someone less talented and you get a completely different result. Of course, it’s easier to blame tools than look in the mirror. The truth is that to make somethingContinue reading “Don’t Blame The Tools”

Ready, Fire, Aim

  I’m pretty sure that some people impede any chance of success as an entrepreneur or business owner because of overanalysis. Visioning, selling and being action-oriented are what propels new businesses to grow. Analysis, deliberation and politicking are for the big, slow, top-heavy corporations that are getting spun around in this new economy. They areContinue reading “Ready, Fire, Aim”

Platforms, Positioning And Personas

The hype with social media and internet marketing can distort the possibilities of promoting your brand in the new economy. There are indeed a lot of gold diggers out there seeking fortune and fame but lacking the true strategies for success. Since the tools for publication and promotion have been democratized and accessible, the gameContinue reading “Platforms, Positioning And Personas”