Why You Need a Knowledge Base

When you are small, you can run and grow your business in your head. In the early days, it’s hard to think that you play many different roles because you do different jobs yourself. You can be the salesperson, accountant, marketer, product development manager, HR administrator and many other roles without calling these out asContinue reading “Why You Need a Knowledge Base”

Think Smaller

Everyone is not Elon Musk or Larry Page. In fact, it’s extremely rare to have such a quality of big thinking such as solving “billion-person problems” and sending humans to Mars. You have to have extreme vision and, at minimum, have your stuff together. If you are stumbling over simple things like getting things done orContinue reading “Think Smaller”

Everything is an Experiment

  Here’s the simple strategy for keeping you from getting washed away in the tides of innovation all around you: Observe what’s happening around you in your world and see what people are buying. Come up with 3 ideas that get people to buy. Build a solution and sell it to one customer. Observe theirContinue reading “Everything is an Experiment”

Salesforce Project Management Customization

Customizing Salesforce.com for project management allows you to extend your system to manage how you deliver your service and create a customer experience.  Marketing agencies requiring project management and service-based companies that require activity tracking and accountability can have specific requirements which differ from one company to the next.  Here are some customization approaches weContinue reading “Salesforce Project Management Customization”

5 Salesforce.com Process Mapping Tips

Your Salesforce.com system is only as good as your business processes.  If your processes are not well-defined or controlled, then you will only have a giant database, not a system.  There will not be the thrust you were hoping for to power your various parts of your organization. Process mapping is both strategy and planning.Continue reading “5 Salesforce.com Process Mapping Tips”

Salesforce In Real-Time

The point of having Salesforce.com run your business operations is to make decisions and drive actions in real-time.  A login from anywhere in the cloud enables your team to be plugged into the workflow and intelligence of your systems and processes, the backbone of a company.  Bring in any new person and they can executeContinue reading “Salesforce In Real-Time”

Three Business Considerations For Salesforce.com

Salesforce.com is one of many customer relationship management (CRM) systems on the market today.  A simple Google search will reveal the choices which abound.  It can be confusing as you are considering the technology to run your business processes. In our Salesforce consulting work, many of our customers are seeking advice on whether to chooseContinue reading “Three Business Considerations For Salesforce.com”

Customization vs. Custom Software

If you are building a business today, you need systems to be able to deliver your value proposition.  You also need systems for selling, marketing, operating and servicing your customers.  Enabling this in the past was heavily manual and process oriented.  As coding became more available, we built custom software for our organizations. Custom softwareContinue reading “Customization vs. Custom Software”

Salesforce And Legos

Salesforce.com is remarkable for building your business process because of the ability to customize and extend your requirements.  Kids experience this same effect in the LEGO universe.  They often start with a specific kit.  They soon realize that parts are interchangeable, and they are able to add other pieces or new kits to create theirContinue reading “Salesforce And Legos”

Salesforce Enterprise Edition: When To Upgrade

Generally speaking, we advise our Salesforce.com consulting clients to start with Salesforce.com Professional Edition.  This edition is at $65 per user per month.  You can always upgrade later if you require more features.  However, you cannot downgrade. Most organizations do not require an upgrade to Enterprise Edition.  Those that do tend to are larger, more-complex businesses,Continue reading “Salesforce Enterprise Edition: When To Upgrade”